How Qigong can help your immune system bySifu Wing Cheung
Qigong says we get sick because the body’s organs and energy channels get out of sync. In health, they vibrate strongly in harmony. But when your energy gets blocked, it becomes unbalanced, the body becomes weak, all of its organs and energy channels get out of sync, and finally you become susceptible to all kinds of things. Many things cause energy blockages. But the number-one cause of energy blockages is emotions. Unbalanced emotions. What you could call “negative” emotions. Fear drains the kidney energy, your body’s very vitality. Worry harms the pancreas energy, and your pancreas is in charge of sending the right amount of the right energy to the right places in your body. Anger harms the liver energy, and your liver does 70% of your body’s detoxifying. Unbalanced emotions are the gateway to illness – this is the Qigong view. But positive emotions are the gateway to health, vitality, and robust immunity – that’s also the Qigong view, and it’s the key to the extraordinary healing and preventive power Qigong. People like to think there’s more to it than that, but there’s not. Relax the body and mind, move energy through the main channels, build vitality, and focus on positive emotions – gratitude, peace, happiness. With a simple practice like Five Elements (which does all those things), you simply create such a powerful internal environment of positive energy that there’s no space for sickness to take root. What emotions have you been feeling lately? Do you think they’ve been helping?
Is an ancient art of cultivating energy using breath, posture and meditation techniques.
Usually there is not much footwork and may also be performed seated.
The main principles for achieving this are: Proper Body Alignment (bones lined up in correct posture) Relaxed Complete Breathing Muscles and Joints Relaxed (unlocked) Mind Attentive: relaxed paying attention - But Not Strongly Focused (concentrating too hard)
The more you practice the exercises, you will train the body to respond to your mind and achieve the best environment for Qi flow through the Meridian Channels. Qigong can be done by anyone, as it can be accomplished standing, sitting, or even lying down. It is easier to learn, and has many benefits.
Tai Chi
Is a younger art of moving meditation in a sequence of slow motion Martial Arts moves that exercise the body and move the energy around the meridians.
Since in practicing Tai Chi forms you are walking, sometimes kicking and squatting down, it is more demanding physically. This also creates strength, balance and bone density improvement as a weight bearing activity. Studying the traditional forms is also challenging mentally (good for brain stimulation) since you are memorizing the choreography.